more for your money

How secure/easy/discreet/fast are the methods of payment?

For your convenience we have listed our most important payment methods and gave them a rating in the table below. The ratings give you a good idea on how discreet, easy and secure a payment method is. We also included a rating based on the speed of a payment method so you can easily make a choice based on your personal preference.

Credit card

All credit card transactions and all information pertaining to them are encrypted using 128-bit SSL certificates. We do not have access to cardholder information and no credit card details are ever passed unencrypted. You can be completely secure in the knowledge that no credit card information can be examined, used or modified by ourselves nor by any third parties who might attempt to gain access to sensitive information.

Bank transfer

Paying by bank transfer is the second best payment method. Paying by direct bank transfer is very discreet, although somewhat less than paying by credit card. It is still fast, but since this method is not automated it will require extra steps as compared to paying by credit card.


Use this option only if the two methods described above are not possible. Sending money by mail, even insured mail, is far from safe and therefore we cannot be held liable for any payments lost in transit. We offer this option because many customers request it, but we do not recommend sending cash by mail.

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